

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Anthropogenic Wasteland

I've started making a real effort to organize a massive backlog of images that accumulated in the 18 months before my defense. I've said that before, of course, but there is a staggering number of photos that I copied to the computer, looked at once (or less) and forgot about them. There is probably ample fodder for retro-gressive posting, if I so choose. Montreal is beautiful in September. You should know that in the core of your soul, and use it to warm you innards as you trek through the urban nothing of our nation.

The vast urban nothing where we now reside does not easily yield to artistic interrogation. If you want something pretty to look at, or even nice to be, suburbia is like a well painted ghetto, without the poverty and crime. You have to look between the cracks and in the bushes to find something with any story or any meaning. It's going to take some practice. Perhaps I should hire a model?

I want to know why this has schrader valves. I think it is a water fountain head, but I am not sure. It's not exactly in an obviouse place for a water fountain, and it seems a little tall. And why two valves? They don't make much sense for water. It confuses me. When I rotate the photo this way, it looks like it has bulging eyes.

The vines are in a NIMBY battle with the electric company.

At least there is always The Dog.


  1. Maybe the schrader valves are for pumping in air to get the pipes ready for winter? And maybe there are 2 of them because it is really slow with just one?

    And are those 7/8" A325 Type 3 structural nuts?

  2. I think they're 1". I could measure them next time i'm there.


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