

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

If a Tree Falls and Almost Hits Your House...

... You know.

It makes a huge loud noise and scatters twigs and branches all over the place.

I need to chop the hulk into little pieces and see if I can find someone to who wants to burn it this winter. I also need to talk with the landlord about getting some of the other big snags cut down. We got smaller limbs cut from live trees just before the derecho (lucky us), but elected to leave the snags. This latest event suggests we should re-evaluate the risk of catastrophic dead tree failure. There's one in particular that looks ideally positioned for a direct hit. The irony of having our house crushed after the derecho would be crushing (all puns intended).

This tree can probably just reach the house. (Should I do the math and find out? Maybe I shall).

This tree wants to fall on my house like my dog want chicken for dinner.

1 comment:

  1. The best part is that the weather was beautiful the morning the tree fell over. Damn squirrels.


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