

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Wish List Overload

No longer having a dissertation to work on has removed a great deal of guilt from my daily life and added a modicum of free time to my day (I'm trying to sleep at least 6 hours a night now).

Since this new turn of affairs, I've been trying to start all the projects I've been putting off for the past umpeen years. I've had a lingering sense of frustration that I'm not making progress on any of them, really.

Starting all backlogged hobby projects at once is not wise. There is simply not enough time in the day. I am simultaneously trying to read books (I need to know a lot more about hydrology), catch up on photography projects, learn how to bake bread, improve my handwriting,, improve my writing, figure out if my gps data analysis project has any direction, work on my robot, learn an open source data analysis tool beyond igor, start rock climbing again, hike more, start running again (my 4 mile bike ride to work is really not enough...), and get more involved in the community (because, lets face it, we're here for a while). I'm probably missing something.

How am I not surprised that I am making little progress.
It occured to me some days ago that I used to obsess about individual tasks in a very single minded fashion. One thing at time. I should probably take that approach.

They are just hobbies, right?


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